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Faculty Administration

Add a New Program Pre-Proposal

Add a new degree, certificate, major/option, or delivery location (e.g. Tulsa), the first step is to complete and submit the Provost's Office for Academic Pre-Proposal form.  


This form is a notification form.  It must be received by the Provost's Office for Academic Affairs for the complete new program proposal (OSHRE proposal) to be placed on a Graduate Council or Academic Programs Council agenda for consideration.




Undergraduate Degrees

Undergraduate degrees must be 120 hours. Exceptions for additional hours are made only if additional courses are needed for licensure or program accreditation.

Specialization & Accelerated or Dual Degrees

Accelerated or dual degree program may offer students the option of earning combined bachelor’s, graduate, and professional degrees in an accelerated manner. A specialization is a focused area of study attached to a specific major and in addition to course requirements for the major

New Major or Options

Majors or options are subset of expertise within a larger discipline or degree. State Regents' policy requires that majors within a degree share a common set (at least 50%) of related course requirements, excluding General Education requirements for undergraduate degrees.


Certificates (Embedded or Stand-Alone)

Certificates of 15 or fewer credit hours may be stand-alone or embedded. Preferably a stackable credential toward larger credential or lead to licensure. Embedded Certificates curriculum should be subset of main program that form a specialty within a larger graduate or professional degree.


Degree Programs & Certificates

Modifications to existing degrees and certificates can be submitted by completing the appropriate request form listed below.

Form Description
Delete Program Remove a degree or certificate from the program inventory. Once a program is deleted, it cannot be reinstated
Program Suspension Make a degree or certificate inactive for recruiting and admissions
Program Reinstatement Reactivate a previously suspended degree or certificate
Program Name Change or Degree Designation Change Change the name of a degree or certificate (e.g., M.S. in History of Science to M.S. in History of Science, Technology, and Medicine) or change the degree designation (e.g., Master of Arts to Master of Science).
Program Requirement Change (i.e., Substantive and Non-Substantive) Change of course requirements substance (core courses, elective, general education, credit hours, etc.) including changes to options, change of degree requirements (prerequisites, admission or graduation criteria, etc.) and change of total credit hours.
Option Addition Add an option from the degree program inventory
Option Deletion Remove an option from the degree program inventory
Electronic Delivery of Existing Program Offer an existing face-to-face program in an online delivery format
New Mirco-Credentials Proposal to add a new micro-credential program
New Certificate with 15 or Fewer Credit Hours Proposal to add a new certificate of 15 or fewer credit hours

Specialization & Accelerated or Dual Degrees

Accelerated dual degree program may offered students the option of earning combined bachelor’s, graduate, and professional degrees in an accelerated manner.  No more than 15% of required coursework may be used to satisfy requirements of both degrees.

Dual degrees are the study of two complimentary fields, enables a student to pursue two existing degree programs simultaneously.  Up to 20% of the total credits required for both degrees may be double counted.  The student must graduate with both degrees the same semester.  

A specialization is a focused area of study attached to a specific major, and is in addition to course requirements for the major.  Specialization within a degree program requires a minimum of 9 credit hours designated within a Regents approved curriculum. 

To add, delete, or change a specialization and accelerated or dual degree, please use the attached forms to submit your request. For more information or to learn more about the workflow, contact OU Health Sciences Recruitment and Admissions.


For clarification about any processes, forms, program submissions or general APC inquiries contact Richard McMahon.