Parent Page: Prospective Students id: 2417 Active Page: In-State/Out-of-State Tuition Policyid:2457
Prospective Students

In-State/Out-of-State Tuition Policy


The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center is a state-supported institution of higher education supported by legislative funds derived from State of Oklahoma tax revenue. As a state tax-supported institution, the University gives preference in tuition pricing to residents of the State of Oklahoma.

The University’s definition of the term "resident" may be different from the definitions developed by other agencies or institutions. The University does not recognize declarations of resident status made by other agencies. Thus, a person who is an Oklahoma resident for tax or voting purposes is not necessarily a resident for The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center tuition purposes.  Mere assertion by a student such as checking “In-State” on the application for admission is insufficient.

The University follows the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Policy Statement on Residency Status for Tuition Purposes. The full text of the policy can be found in Section 3.18 of the Oklahoma State Regents Policy and Procedures Manual.


Resident status is granted to financially independent adults who are permanently residing in Oklahoma and who have been physically and continuously present in the State of Oklahoma for at least one calendar year prior to the first day of class attendance at any Oklahoma institution of higher education; and who, during this one-year period, resided in Oklahoma for some reason other than primarily to attend classes at a post-secondary educational institution. 
Resident status for tuition purposes is based on the location of your permanent domicile. Domicile has two components, residence and intent to remain indefinitely. A person can have more than one residence, but only one domicile.

Attendance at an educational institution, albeit a continuous and long-term experience, is interpreted as temporary residence. Therefore, a student neither gains nor loses resident status solely by such attendance.

Each application for admission and residency petition is judged on its own merit using the guidelines and regulations established by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. It is the student’s responsibility to provide documentation to support a petition for in-state tuition classification. Petitions will be reviewed based upon the merits of the documentation supplied. 


Actions, such as the following, may help to support an application for resident tuition status insofar as they apply to the Basic Definition of Resident Status: maintaining a permanent home/domicile in Oklahoma for at least 12 months prior to the first day of class attendance at any Oklahoma institution of higher education; listing Oklahoma as your tax state with the military; listing Oklahoma as state of residence on Federal and Oklahoma Tax Returns; paying and filing Oklahoma state taxes; Oklahoma automobile registration and driver’s license; evidencing in some convincing way intent to remain in Oklahoma indefinitely after graduation (in other than a graduate or professional student capacity); owning property and paying state property taxes, voter registration in Oklahoma. All of these things will be taken into consideration as part of a petition for in-state tuition classification, but are not in and of themselves sufficient to establish residency.

The issue of intent to remain in Oklahoma after completing one’s education is important in reclassifying financially independent adult students. Each individual must present his or her own special set of circumstances, along with documentation, to support the contention that he or she intends to remain in Oklahoma after graduation or ceasing to enroll as a student. Verification of full-time employment after graduation is an example of documentable intent to remain. This is not the only means to establish this intent. All materials and circumstances presented by the student will be considered, but the evidence must clearly and convincingly show a student’s intent to stay in Oklahoma.  


The OUHSC Office of Admissions and Records is authorized to make determinations for in-state/out-of-state classification for its individual students, either at the time of initial application, or as the result of a petition for in-state residency.  If you have any questions regarding residency issues, contact or call (405)271-2359, ask to speak to an Admissions Officer.  

Petition for Oklahoma Residency

If your status has changed or you have concerns that a classification is incorrect, you may complete the Petition for Oklahoma Residency and return it to the Office of Admissions and Records.

Each residency petition is judged on its own merit using the guidelines and regulations established by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSRHE).  Residency is addressed in Chapter 3 (3.18) of  the Oklahoma State Regents' Policy and Procedures Manual.  It is the student's responsibility and burden to provide convincing evidence to adequately support the petition.

Petitions and supporting documents must be submitted by the following deadlines.  Petitions submitted after the deadline will be reviewed for the next term. In-state reclassification (and associated in-state tuition) is not granted on a retroactive basis.

  • Fall - October 31
  • Spring - March 31
  • Summer - June 30

If you are receiving scholarships, loans, grants or other financial aid, contact the OUHSC Financial Aid office for information concerning the impact reclassification may have on your financial aid.

In-state reclassification for an approved petition is not granted on a retroactive basis.

Contact an Admissions Officer by email at or by calling (405) 271-2359.

Employees | Non-Resident Tuition Waivers

Faculty, Residents, Fellows, and Postdoctoral Fellows

Trainees:  Residents, clinical fellows, and postdoctoral fellows employed by OUHSC in an official University training program are eligible to pay in-state tuition rates by being granted a non-resident tuition waiver or In-state residency determined by citizenship.

A Research Scholar position is not part of an official University training program and not eligible for in-state tuition. 

Benefits Eligible Faculty Members:  These individuals are eligible for a non-resident tuition waiver or In-state resident status determined by citizenship.

Procedure:  An internal procedure by the Office of Admissions and Records will determine eligibility and notify the Offices of the Bursar and Financial Aid.  For further information, please contact Laura Verser at 405-271-2359, Ext. 48912 or via email at

These employees are eligible to take coursework while working at OUHSC.

Academic Common Market & Reciprocity Agreements

Resident Tuition Reciprocity

The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center does not participate in any in-state tuition reciprocity agreements with bordering states.

Academic Common Market

The University participates in the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) Academic Common Market (ACM) non-resident tuition waiver program. This tuition waiver applies only to certain states and majors and does not constitute a change of resident status.  Additional information and qualifications for the Academic Common Market tuition waiver can be found on the SREB website at

To apply for Academic Common Market status, you must first complete and submit your home state's ACM application to be certified as a resident.  Your state's ACM Coordinator can be found on the SREB website.  The contact for the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center is the Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs at 405-271-5557.     

U.S. Military and Uniformed Service Members

The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences is a state-supported institution of higher education supported by legislative funds derived from State of Oklahoma tax revenue. As a state tax-supported institution, the University gives preference in tuition pricing to residents of the State of Oklahoma.

The University’s definition of the term "resident" may be different from the definitions developed by other agencies or institutions. The University does not recognize declarations of resident status made by other agencies. Thus, a person who is an Oklahoma resident for tax or voting purposes is not necessarily a resident for The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences tuition purposes. Mere assertion by a student such as checking “In-State” on the application for admission is insufficient.

The University has been authorized to make determinations for in-state/out-of-state classifications for its individual students, either at the time of initial enrollment, or as the result of a petition for reclassification. OU Health Sciences Recruitment & Admissions is designated to make these determinations for the University.

If you have questions concerning resident classification, you may contact Health Sciences Recruitment & Admissions at 920 Stanton L. Young Blvd – Oklahoma City, OK 73104-5036 or (405) 271-2359 with questions concerning resident classification.

If your status has changed or you have concerns that a classification is incorrect, you may complete the Petition for Oklahoma Residency and return it to the Office of Admissions and Records.  

Petition for Oklahoma Residency

Each residency petition is judged on its own merit using the guidelines and regulations established by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (Policy and Procedures Manual-Section 3.18) and in compliance with 38 U.S. Code § 3679(c).  It is the student's responsibility and burden to provide convincing evidence to adequately support the petition. 

Petitions and supporting documents must be submitted by the following deadlines. Petitions submitted after the deadline will be reviewed for the next term. In-state reclassification (and associated in-state tuition) is not granted on a retroactive basis.

  • Fall - October 31
  • Spring - March 31
  • Summer - June 30

If you are receiving scholarships, loans, grants or other financial aid, contact the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Financial Aid Office for information concerning the impact reclassification may have on your financial aid.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

When is my residency status determined?

The Office of Admissions determines your residency status upon initial review of your application. The decision is based on information on your application. Your resident status determined at the time of your application will remain in effect unless a petition is submitted and re-classification is granted. If we have questions about your residency status, we will contact you for more information. 

Will my residency automatically change after living in Oklahoma for one year?

No. It is the student's responsibility to petition for re-classification once he or she has met the Basic Definition of Resident Status. 

Will I be eligible for re-classification to in-state residency status if I work and pay taxes in Oklahoma while I attend school full-time?

No. Working and paying taxes in Oklahoma will not alter your residency status if you are attending an Oklahoma college or university full-time  You must meet the Basic Definition of Resident Status or establish intent to remain in Oklahoma after graduation to be reclassified as an in-state resident.

My spouse has established Oklahoma residency while I have been attending college in Oklahoma. Can I be reclassified based on my spouse’s status?

No.  Each spouse must meet the criteria for Oklahoma residency separately.

If I am a dependent student, how is my residency determined?

If you are supported and claimed as a dependent by parent(s) and/or guardian(s), your residence is presumed to be that of your parent/guardian.

My mom lives out-of-state but my dad resides in Oklahoma. What is my classification?

If you have a non-custodial parent (one with whom you normally don't live) who is a resident of Oklahoma, you may be classified as an Oklahoma resident once a petition and statement with supporting documentation of primary care, custody and support is submitted by the parent residing in Oklahoma.

I live in a state that borders Oklahoma, does this allow me to qualify for residency?

No. The University of Oklahoma does not participate in any in-state reciprocity agreement with bordering states.

I have several close relatives that are Oklahoma residents. Can I reside with one of them and gain residency?

No. Your residency is that of your parents/guardian. To qualify for residency, you will still have to meet the Basic Definition of Resident Status. If you have extenuating circumstances and a family member (other than a parent) supports and claims you as a dependent for tax purposes and is an Oklahoma resident, you may submit a petition along with any relevant documentation and all pertinent information will be used in your consideration for residency.

If I make a certain score on a required entrance exam; am I eligible to pay in-state tuition?

No. There is not a set score that automatically allows a non-resident student to receive in-state tuition. There may be scholarships or tuition waivers for which you might be eligible. Please check with your college and the Office of Financial Aid for more information.

If my parents own property or a second home and pay Oklahoma state taxes, will I qualify for in-state tuition?

No. Resident status is based on the location of your permanent domicile. This is considered to be your fixed, permanent home and where you (or your parents) habitually reside. Since domicile has two components, residence and intent to remain indefinitely, a person can have more than one residence but only one domicile.

Would I qualify as an in-state resident if I have been living out-of-state and purchase a home in Oklahoma?

The purchase of a home in of itself does not immediately qualify a student to be classified a resident of Oklahoma without supporting evidence that clearly reflects intent to remain in-state 1-2 years after graduation. Examples of evidence may include a contractual job offer with a binding commitment to remain in the state after graduation, marriage to an in-state resident, a job transfer prior to application, and other extenuating circumstances. Although the purchase of a home is an important and beneficial part of the petitioning process it alone is not viewed as a long-term commitment.

If I register to take a state-affiliated exam/certifications for licensure; does this qualify me for in-state tuition?

No. Application for a state certification or exam does not qualify you for in-state tuition status because this application is not considered sufficient evidence of intent to remain indefinitely.

I am not a U.S. Citizen but have obtained permanent resident status with the US Citizenship and Immigration Services. Do I qualify for residency for tuition purposes?

You will need to complete the petition and meet the Basic Definition of Resident Status. 

How long does the petition process take?

Once a petition is received, it is reviewed within 7-10 working days. Decisions are made immediately, if possible, but there can be delays with petitions submitted with insufficient documentation. A letter will be sent requesting additional information if necessary.

My petition was not approved because I was unable to meet some of the requirements. Can I petition again?

Yes. If, at a later date, you feel that you meet all of the requirements for reclassification, you may petition again.

My petition for in-state tuition was approved. Can I lose my residency status?

Yes. If you establish residency in another state or if you are absent from Oklahoma for twelve months for purposes other than education, you will lose your in-state residency status. You also will lose your residency if the University of Oklahoma finds your resident status was granted based on false or misleading information.

Will I be eligible for a non-resident tuition waiver if I am in the U.S. on a visa, working in a professional position, have met the twelve month domiciliary period in-state, and my green card is pending approval by USCIS?

No. You are eligible for a non-resident tuition waiver according to the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Policy Statement, but waivers vary by institution and are not available at the OU Health Sciences Center at this time. 

Is special consideration given to full-time, active duty military personnel stationed in Oklahoma?

Yes. Members of the U.S. armed forces who provide evidence that they are serving full-time active duty, stationed in Oklahoma or temporarily present through military orders are eligible for immediate classification as an in-state resident.  Their spouses and dependent children also are eligible for in-state resident status. The armed forces include Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. Full-time National Guard members are not included.

I am an undocumented student who graduated from high school in Oklahoma. Do I qualify for in-state resident status?

No.  Undocumented students may not be classified as in-state residents.  If they meet the following qualifications they may enroll at OUHSC, receive an out-of-state tuition waiver and be eligible for state financial aid and scholarships only if the student completed an affidavit as prescribed in the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education policy 3.17.6A-E.  Undocumented students who graduated from a U.S. high school outside of Oklahoma are eligible for enrollment if they complete the required affidavit, but they are not eligible for out-of-state tuition waivers or state financial aid and scholarships.