Parent Page: Current Students id: 2463 Active Page: Intent to Establish Oklahoma Residencyid:12334

Intent to Establish Oklahoma Residency

The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences is a state-supported institution of higher education supported by legislative funds derived from State of Oklahoma tax revenue. As a state tax-supported institution, the University gives preference in tuition pricing to residents of the State of Oklahoma.

The University’s definition of the term "resident" may be different from the definitions developed by other agencies or institutions. The University does not recognize declarations of resident status made by other agencies. Thus, a person who is an Oklahoma resident for tax or voting purposes is not necessarily a resident for The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences tuition purposes. Mere assertion by a student such as checking “In-State” on the application for admission is insufficient.

The University has been authorized to make determinations for in-state/out-of-state classifications for its individual students, either at the time of initial enrollment, or as the result of a petition for reclassification. The OU Health Sciences Recruitment and Admissions is designated to make these determinations for the University.

If you have questions concerning resident classification, you may contact the OU Health Sciences Recruitment and Admissions, 1106 N Stonewall Ave. Suite 300 or (405) 271-2359 with questions concerning resident classification.

If your status has changed or you have concerns that a classification is incorrect, you may complete the Petition for Oklahoma Residency and return it to the OU Health Sciences Recruitment and Admissions.  

Petition for Oklahoma Residency

Each residency petition is judged on its own merit using the guidelines and regulations established by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education ( Policy and Procedures Manual-Section 3.18) "and in compliance with 38 U.S. Code § 3679(c)" that provides in-state tuition requirements for some individuals using Veterans Educational Benefits.  It is the student's responsibility and burden to provide convincing evidence to adequately support the petition. 

Petitions and supporting documents must be submitted by the following deadlines. Petitions submitted after the deadline will be reviewed for the next term . In-state reclassification (and associated in-state tuition) is not granted on a retroactive basis.

  • Fall - October 31
  • Spring - March 31
  • Summer - June 30

If you are receiving scholarships, loans, grants or other financial aid, contact the OU Health Sciences Financial Aid Office for information concerning the impact reclassification may have on your financial aid.